Anders Indset

Business philosopher & tech-evangelist

Our Leaders of today need the philosophy of the past, paired with the scientific knowledge and technology of tomorrow

The native Norwegian, who originally gained global recognition as “The Business Philosopher”, builds bridges between ‘Mensch & Technology’ and shapes the economy of tomorrow with his (approach to) practical philosophy. He has two decades of experience working with multinational organizations and is a trusted sparring partner for international CEOs and political leaders, and is a guest lecturer at leading international business schools. Whether on big stages or in small groups, his unconventional way of thinking and his inspiring and dynamic personality, he moves and activates people, and leads them beyond ‘the given’ and what they hold to be self-evident.

Anders Indset is the author of three Spiegel bestsellers: “Wild Knowledge”, “The Quantum Economy”, and “Das infizierte Denken”, and has been translated into over 10 languages to date. In addition to his many co-initiated projects – GBI (Global Blockchain Initiative), #Enkelfähig, and “Die Veredlung Europas” (The European Refinement) – Anders is also a co-founder of the Njordis Group and the Global Institute of Leadership & Technology (GILT). Thinkers50 has ranked Anders as one of the most influential thinkers in leadership and business in the years to come. His philosophical work focuses on the ongoing search for better explanations and their practical implementation.

His work focuses on the dialogue between philosophy and business, which has boundless potential. Philosophy – “the art of being wrong” – supports the continuous improvement of business models, methods, and strategies by critically questioning basic economic assumptions and beliefs and uncovering core problems. The unlimited openness of this approach to paradoxes, differences, and ambiguities harbors the potential from which innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial perspectives and

»If we want to understand society, we must rethink the economy«

Read more about Anders Indset

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