Conference year: Speakers 2024

Birgitte Ruud Kosberg

Birgitte Ruud Kosberg er Sustainability Manager i SLB for Skandianvia. Hun startet karrieren som feltingeniør i Basra, Irak, og har siden jobbet som brønningeniør i både Norge og midtøsten.

Frem til 2023 har hun ledet flere prosjekter innen boring og brønn for SLB, sammen med flere operatørselskaper på norsk sokkel. Birgitte brenner spesielt for sosial bærekraft og elsker å jobbe med mennesker.

Birgitte er konferansier for SLB sitt arrangement under Techpoint; Global energiteknologi: Lounge-foredrag 45 meter over havet s0m er på torsdag 19. september.

Jørgen Randers

Jorgen Randers is professor emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School. He works on issues of the future, especially related to sustainability, climate, energy, and system dynamics. Professor Randers lectures and provides advice all over the world, and increasingly in China.

Jorgen Randers has spent one third of his life in academia, one third in business, and on third in the NGO world. He was President of the BI Norwegian Business School BI 1981 – 89, and Deputy Director General of WWF International (World Wide Fund for Nature) in Switzerland 1994 – 99. In 2005-6 he chaired the Royal Commission that presented a plan for how Norway can cut is climate gas emissions by two thirds by 2050. He has been member of the sustainability council of three multinationals (BT, Dow and Astra-Zeneca).

He has written a number of books and scientific papers, starting with co-authoring The Limits to Growth in 1972. His recent writings include 2052 – A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years in 2012, Reinventing Prosperity with Graeme Maxton in 2016, and Transformation is feasible! with Johan Rockstrøm et al in 2018.

He has received many prizes and awards. He is a full member of the Club of Rome and is the founding chair of the China Chapter of the Club of Rome.


Helene Holte

Helene Holte har lang erfaring i konsulentbransjen som strategisk rådgiver og cybersikkerhetskonsulent. Hun har vært sentral i å bygge opp Egdes tjenesteportefølje innen sikkerhet og er nå leder for konsulenttjenestene i Egde Consulting.

Helene arbeider med ledelse, forretningsutvikling og kunstig intelligens, og jobber med både private og offentlige kunder. Hun har en akademisk bakgrunn som statsviter med spesialisering innen organisasjon og ledelse.

Tom McGarry

Tom McGarry is an established leader at Holiday Extras – a UK based Travel Tech company. Tom has nearly two decades experience in travel and his expertise spans many product verticals across accommodation, transportation, theme parks, visitor attractions and theatre.

Holiday Extras have recently been recognised by Open AI as a strategic partner and case study in pioneering AI adoption.


Jøran Lager

Jøran Lager har jobbet som konsulent i over 20 år. I mesteparten av den tiden har Jøran arbeidet med databaser, mellomvare, integrasjon og skyteknologi, hvor automatisering av leveranser og forvaltning av dette har vært hovedfokus.

Jøran har utviklet verktøy som har forbedret og effektivisert arbeidet med å utvikle og levere løsninger, hvor det har vært strenge krav til kvalitet og sikkerhet.

I denne presentasjonen vil Jøran ta oss med hvordan Google kan bidra til å lykkes med en sikker og effektiv utvikling av Cloud Native applikasjoner. Hva er AI agenter og hvordan vil disse påvirke fremtidens utvikler rolle?

Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll

Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll er journalist og kommentator i avisen Vårt Land. Hun er også kommentator for og en av stemmene i podkasten Amerikansk Politikk

Bjørn Rønning

Bjørn Rønning er daglig leder i bransjeforeningen Norsk Datasenterindustri som ligger under IKT Norge.

Håkon Klausen

Håkon har jobbet lenge med både programvareutvikling og infrastruktur.  De siste 10 årene mest med å kombinere disse to for å lage automatiserte og selvbetjente plattformer på virtualiserte datasentere og i skyen.  Er for tiden teamleder for Infrastruktur og Identitet i Å Energi, som har ansvar for all skybasert infrastruktur samt identitetsstyring i konsernet.

John-Eivind Velure

John-Eivind Velure har siden 2004 jobbet i Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet (Nkom). Han er til vanlig avdelingsdirektør for Nkoms spektrumsavdeling, men fungerer i dag som direktør i Nkom. Velure er utdannet sivilingeniør.

Mathias Bernander

Bakgrunn: Oppvokst i Tveit. Har studert på UiA og i utlandet, jobberfaring fra både inn- og utland. Politisk erfaring: Fylkestingsrepresentant fra 2015, tidligere vararepresentant til Stortinget og politisk nestleder i Kristiansand Høyre.

Nina C. Farmen

Nina C. Farmen har 12 års erfaring innen designfaget, og en IT-utdannelse i bunn. Hun har jobbet i Egde i 5 år, og har hjulpet flere kunder med varierte oppgaver innen design. Nina trives godt når hun kan gjøre dybdeintervju med sluttbrukere, brukerteste digitale løsninger og lede workshops for å skape felles forståelse for problemer og sammen finne løsninger.

Gunn Karin Gjul

Gunn Karin Gjul er statssekretær for digitaliserings- og forvaltningsministeren. Hun har lang fartstid i norsk politikk og har vært både statssekretær og stortingspolitiker for Arbeiderpartiet tidligere, og hun har vært medlem av kollegiet i Riksrevisjonen. Gjul er utdannet jurist ved UiO.

Tone Kvåle

Tone Kvåle serves as an investment manager at Skagerak Capital, joining the team in 2020. She operates from our Kristiansand office and is also responsible for Agder Seed.

Before her role at Skagerak Capital, Tone honed her skills in management consulting at PwC. Her areas of expertise include sustainability strategies, reporting, digitalization, and test management.

Elfi Fei-Yin Peniche Andersen

Elfi Fei-Yin Peniche Andersen jobber som universitetslektor ved Institutt for strategi og ledelse på Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder. Hun underviser i fag som arbeidsmiljø, konflikthåndtering og praksis i HR, og er i tillegg studieprogramleder for HR-studiet ved Handelshøykolsen, Universitetet i Agder.

Andersen har en mastergrad i internasjonal business og erfaring som HR Business Partner fra teknologibransjen. Hun brenner for å utdanne reflekterte, kritiske og ansvarlige studenter som skal bli fremtidens ledere og HR-profesjonelle. Andersens forskningsinteresser inkluderer arbeidsmiljø, egen undervisning og HR & KI.

Nicolai Solberg Løvdal

Nicolai er bærekraftsrådgiver i Nkom. Han har 20 års erfaring som gründer, foreleser og strategikonsulent innen «lønnsom bærekraft» før han begynte i Nkom. Han har utviklet energiprosjekter og jobbet med grønn finans. Han har utviklet forskningsbaserte verktøy for lønnsom bærekraft og jobbet med bedrifter i mange brasnjer. Han har designet virkemidler for gjennombruddsteknologi i Forskningsrådet og store energisatsinger i UD.

Han startet karrieren med to år som robotingeniør i «olja», før han tok en master og doktorgrad ved IndØk, NTNU innenfor temaet tech, business og bærekraft. Han jobber i Nkom fordi han tenner på samfunnsoppdraget; få ned fotavtrykket på den digitale infrastrukturen, øke bærekrafteffekten av digitalisering og skape verdier.

Ingrid Guren

Ingrid Guren jobber som utvikler og tech lead hos NRK. Hos NRK jobber hun med, både ut mot publikum og mot journalistene til NRK. Tidligere har Ingrid jobbet som konsulent og i startup, og før det var hun aktiv i undervisningen på UiO. For tiden er hun med å starte opp nettverk for frontendere i offentlig sektor ved siden av å være mamma til verdens kuleste toåring.

En annen hjertesak for Ingrid er at programmering skal være for alle og at det ikke skal være noe man gjør på “gutterommet”. Hun tror helt og holdent at for å oppnå produkter som blir brukt og elsket av alle, trenger vi at alle er representert i utviklingen av produktene også. I 2023 ble hun kåret til female developer of the year av

Øystein Tønnessen

Øystein Tønnessen har jobbet som rådgiver i Egde siden 2019. I samarbeid med Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder (UiA) har han tatt doktorgrad på fleksible arbeidsformer og kreativitet i næringslivet. Forskningen hans fokuserer på kreativ samhandling når ansatte jobber på hjemmekontor og i hybride arbeidsmiljøer. Øystein forsvarte avhandlingen «Creativity in Remote and Hybrid Work Environments» ved UiA i desember 2023.

Han har publisert i vitenskapelige tidsskrifter som Technological Forecasting and Social Change, European Journal of Workplace Innovation og Cogent Business & Management. Øystein har også bakgrunn innen musikk, gründererfaring fra konferansebransjen og vært med å drive coworking space.

Märtha Rehnberg

Märtha Rehnberg is a climate freak by heart, political economist by training, entrepreneur and policy-advocate by practice. She is Co-Founder of DareDisrupt, specialized in a responsible disruption and exponential technologies.

Märtha’s drive lies in creating better visions for the future. For her, it’s not about a crystal ball, or about predicting the future. It is rather about understanding how our dreams and visions about the future have a performative effect in the present. If our dreams are big enough and vocalized smart enough they attract attention, talent, capital and eventually – they self-actualize.

In her talks, Märtha demonstrates how our so called “technological intuition” is at the center of creating powerful visions. With vantage point in the new technologies of this decade, and the radical business models they ignite, she dares you to lean into the future with curiosity, courage and a mindset of action. Cause if we do this moment in time right – we’re all to get the promotions of our lives.

Märtha is a trained political economist and published scholar on the future of global value chains and new technologies. She has held more than 300 talks across 20 countries on ‘technological intuition’, ‘responsible disruption’, ‘future of economics’ and ‘radical climate innovation’.

As an original agenda-setter, Märtha Rehnberg has been selected as a ‘Leader of Tomorrow’ by the St Gallen Symposium for three consecutive years, and profiled as a ‘FemTech Leader’ by Innotribe, the Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group and the Digital Finance Institute. In 2018, she was appointed member of the High Level Industrial Roundtable “Industry 2030” by the European Commission to define and co-author a bold strategy for the future of European industries. In 2019, she was appointed to Denmark’s Green Growth Team by the Danish Government to reinvent the country’s global position within green energy and environmental technologies.

She is a former intrapreneur at the shipping conglomerate Maersk where from she spearheaded the industry wide introduction of 3D printing. Her determination to localize sustainable production made her special advisor to a nationwide 50M DKK ‘Additive Manufacturing -hub’ in Denmark – a venture she wrote the vision for.

Märtha holds a double degree from Copenhagen Business School and Esade. She was born in Spain, raised in Paris has a Swedish passport but lives in Denmark and executes talks in French, English, Swedish or Danish.

Costas Markides

Professor Costas Markides is recognised as one of the world’s foremost experts on strategy and innovation. An internationally acclaimed teacher and conference speaker, Professor Markides has researched the topics of strategic innovation, business model innovation, diversification and international acquisitions.

Costas Markides is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship; Robert P Bauman Chair in Strategic Leadership – BA MA (Boston) MBA DBA (Harvard)

His work explores how established companies could pursue radical or disruptive innovation and how they can compete with two business models in the same industry. He also examines how companies can create a culture of continuous innovation and the role that individual managers play in making a company more innovative.

Professor Markides’ book, All the Right Moves: A Guide to Crafting Breakthrough Strategy was shortlisted for the Igor Ansoff Strategic Management Award in 2000. Similarly, his Fast Second: How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation to Enter and Dominate New Markets (with the late Paul Geroski), was on the shortlist for the Financial Times-Goldman Sachs Management Book of the Year in 2005. In Game-Changing Strategies (2008), Professor Markides explores how established firms can use business model innovation to break the rules in their markets and how to respond when a disruptive business model invades their markets. His latest book was published in 2021 and is entitled: Organizing for the New Normal: Prepare your company for the journey of continuous disruption. He is currently examining how established firms respond to new business models invading their markets and is writing a new book entitled: Business Model Innovation: Strategic and Organizational Issues for Established Firms.

A native of Cyprus, Professor Markides received his BA (Distinction) and MA in Economics from Boston University, and his MBA and DBA from Harvard Business School. He is now Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and holds the Robert P Bauman Chair of Strategic Leadership at London Business School.

Isabelle Ringnes

Isabelle Ringnes is a recognized tech evangelist, technology entrepreneur, and an active source and voice in the media on technological development, societal development, and diversity. Isabelle has been named one of six Norwegians in the «100 Most Influential People in Nordic Tech,» one of the 50 leading women in tech in Norway, and Inspiring Fifty Women in Tech.

Isabelle is a passionate and sought-after public speaker and evangelist for the impact of technology on society, the benefits of diversity, and the urgent need for equality. She teaches the subject of diversity at Singularity University Nordic and is an active board member of Dermanor, INSJ, Moving Mamas, TENK, Oslo Freedom Forum, and the Norwegian Cancer Society.

She is the co-founder of, which combines structural and cultural data to help businesses understand and improve diversity and culture in the workplace.

In 2015, she founded TENK: a technology network for women aimed at inspiring young girls to help shape the future of our world with technology. TENK has established biannual technology camps for young girls, and Isabelle has given talks to thousands of girls across Norway to inspire them to choose technology. Together with SOS Children’s Villages, she founded Digital Villages in 2020, which helped children in developing countries gain access to technology.

In 2014, she co-founded #Hunspanderer, a social movement addressing unconscious bias and gender patterns, reaching millions of people in Norway.

Anita Schjøll Abildgaard

Anita Schjøll Abildgaard is acknowledged as one of the world´s top women in tech, and is co-founder and CEO of Anita is a global voice in the ethical application of Artificial Intelligence, with a special place in her heart for the really complicated problems humanity needs to solve with deep tech and deep empathy and science. has been recognized as one of the most innovative artificial intelligence companies in the world. aims to build the world’s first ‘AI researcher’ and currently offers research discovery and data extraction tools for academic research and corporate R&D. In 2023, was awarded the prestigious European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator funding, amounting to 145 million NOK. Forbes ranked Anita as one of the world’s top women in tech in 2018, and she was listed among the Inspiring Fifty Nordics in 2017 and 2019. She and have achieved significant international recognition and appear on some of the world’s most important tech lists, including the SU Global Grand Challenges Awards and TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield alumni.

Anita Schjøll Abildgaard teaches artificial intelligence at Singularity University and the Re:Humanize Institute, and she holds several board positions, including in the Katapult Group and NORA Startup (Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium). Anita is a sought-after international speaker.

She believes that each of us has the power to leave this world at least a little better than we found it.

Alex Bulat- van den Wildenberg

Alex Bulat-van den Wildenberg is the Group Technology Director at Capgemini, which has over 350,000 employees in 50 countries. He works worldwide, discussing how technological development is changing the premises for innovation, leadership, and organizations.

Alex heads Group Technology and is a member of the Capgemini Technology, Innovation and Ventures & Global Council, working closely with Chief Innovation Officers to promote innovation and thought leadership.

He is also a member of the Capgemini Ventures Pre-Selection Committee, which aims to co-create and deliver value with startups, clients, and tech partners. He is proud to spearhead the annual Technovision Program, bringing together 50 experts from across the globe to share technology trends and insights addressing business issues.

Along with those roles, Alex refers to himself as «The Tech Guy» as he nurtures and shares technologies that can improve our environment, health, and work. He believes that changing the world starts with curiosity, which leads to discovery and is passionate about sustainability and tech for good. He is a storyteller who connects people and ideas by hosting the «Idea Loading» podcast, exploring inventions, innovations, and technology. He speaks five languages: Croatian, Dutch, English, French, and German.

Alex is on the advisory board for, an online bookstore with a mission of books for good. The company has a “steward ownership” model with the planet as its largest stakeholder, with 12% of every book sale donated to a charity of choice and 1% of sales funding projects and entrepreneurs that are trying to build a better world.

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