Inga Strümke

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,
NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Inga is an associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. With a main research focus on explainable AI, Inga argues that using AI for good is closely linked to both understanding AI well, but also knowing ourselves and our needs, including legal perspectives.

She was awarded name of the year in academia and received the Norwegian Research Council’s outreach prize in 2023. Her book Maskiner som tenker (Machines that think) was the most sold non-fiction book in Norway in 2023, and was awarded the Norwegian literature prize Brageprisen” in the non-fiction category, and is currently translated to Swedish, Danish, German and Japanese.

Previously, Inga received the University of Bergen’s outreach prize in 2019, and was awarded “ One of Norway’s 50 leading women in tech 2020. She is an international keynote speaker, podcast host at the Norwegian Council for Digital Ethics and has several video courses on artificial intelligence available, also in Spanish.

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